School Bus Driving

After 21 years off, doing other things, I’m now back to driving a school bus. Not much has changed, I still don’t like getting up early. But, I’m learning to appreciate the sunrise and quiet time with the Creator.

Fall 2024
Fall 2024

Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor…

Well, I haven’t got to the snow part yet, but it IS coming. This is Manitoba after all. I don’t know if I’ll make it but I know the One who goes with me.

Spring 2024

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you.

Isaiah 42:2a

Ice Crystals

Nellie Log Cabin

I recently learned that there are four different kinds of frost, each with it’s own way it forms. They go by names such as radiation or hoarfrost, advection frost, window frost, and rime frost. I guess I had never considered that there was more than one kind. No matter what you want to call it, it’s absolutely beautiful against the bright blue sky.

Manitou Water Tower

Perfect Sunrise

After over a year of staying home and following regulations, we finally had the chance to take a family vacation. I wanted to start by sharing two of my favorite photos from the trip, taken on a cool morning while watching the sunrise.

I love how you can see the mist rising off the pond as well as a perfect reflection of the sunrise over the mountains.