Faithful, like a rose

Spring rose bud growing in my garden.

…Like the rose that comes alive every spring,

You are so faithful. Lord, You are faithful…

Red and yellow roses picked from my garden.

…I see the cross and the price You had to pay,

I see the blood that washed my sins away.

In the midst of the storm,

Through the wind and the waves,

You’ll still be faithful, You’ll still be faithful,

When the stars refuse to shine and time is no more,

You’ll still be faithful,

You’ll still be faithful, Lord.

Lyrics taken from “You are so Faithful” by Bob Fitts

Negative Temps and a Positive Attitude

I don’t know about you but I get grumpy when I’m cold. Yet, I find that it is when I bundle up and venture out in to “the arctic”, I often am surprised to be greeted by the loveliness of God’s creation. When face to face with undeniable beauty, I can’t help but have a more positive attitude, even if the temperatures are beyond negative.

Passenger train car in Manitou, MB.

He gives snow like wool;
He scatters the frost like ashes.
He casts forth His ice as fragments;
Who can stand before His cold?
He sends forth His word and melts them;
He causes His wind to blow and the waters to flow.

Psalm 147:16-18

White birch trees native to Manitoba.